| Peer-Reviewed

Genotoxic and Histopathological Aspects of Treatment with Grape Seed Extract on Cancer Induced with Cyclophosphamide in Mice

Received: 2 July 2014     Accepted: 18 July 2014     Published: 30 July 2014
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Cyclophosphamide (CP) is an alkylating agent widely used in cancer chemotherapy. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the natural protective efficacy of methanolic grape seed extract (GSE) against CP-induced genotoxicity and histopathologically changes of liver and colon cancer cells in mice. After the mice were sacrificed on day 30 liver and colons were removed, the histopathological studies and expression of colon cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2), was immunohistochemically assessed. High dose of GSE had a significant reduction of micronuclei and chromosomal aberration frequency than low dose, Mice treated with grape seeds (low & high) dose displayed an improvement in colonic histopathology compared to cyclophosphamide-only mice. Histopathological results showed the presence bridging necrosis with early fibrosis between portal tract and central veins with dysplastic hepatocytes in the liver tissue, also cellular infiltration, epithelial disruption, aberrant changes in the form neoplasia, dysplasia of the colonic mucosa. However, grape seed extract treatment to cyclophosphamide treated rats greatly restored normalcy in the liver and colonic histoarchitecture, with no apparent signs of neoplasia or displisia. Immunohistochemistry of COX-2 showed an intense staining in the liver colon tissues; however treatment with grape seed reduced the expression of COX-2. Treatment with grape seed showed time -dependently accelerated liver and colonic healing. In conclusion, the results of our experiments strongly suggest the cancer chemoprotective effect of the methanolic Grape seeds extract and this may be due to the stimulation of the antioxidant effect.

Published in Cell Biology (Volume 2, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.cb.20140203.11
Page(s) 18-27
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2014. Published by Science Publishing Group


Cyclophosphamide, Chromosome, Histopathology, Grape Seed Extract, Mice

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  • APA Style

    Ezzat I. Aboul-ela, Enayat A. Omara. (2014). Genotoxic and Histopathological Aspects of Treatment with Grape Seed Extract on Cancer Induced with Cyclophosphamide in Mice. Cell Biology, 2(3), 18-27. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.cb.20140203.11

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    ACS Style

    Ezzat I. Aboul-ela; Enayat A. Omara. Genotoxic and Histopathological Aspects of Treatment with Grape Seed Extract on Cancer Induced with Cyclophosphamide in Mice. Cell Biol. 2014, 2(3), 18-27. doi: 10.11648/j.cb.20140203.11

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    AMA Style

    Ezzat I. Aboul-ela, Enayat A. Omara. Genotoxic and Histopathological Aspects of Treatment with Grape Seed Extract on Cancer Induced with Cyclophosphamide in Mice. Cell Biol. 2014;2(3):18-27. doi: 10.11648/j.cb.20140203.11

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    T1  - Genotoxic and Histopathological Aspects of Treatment with Grape Seed Extract on Cancer Induced with Cyclophosphamide in Mice
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    AU  - Enayat A. Omara
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    AB  - Cyclophosphamide (CP) is an alkylating agent widely used in cancer chemotherapy. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the natural protective efficacy of methanolic grape seed extract (GSE) against CP-induced genotoxicity and histopathologically changes of liver and colon cancer cells in mice. After the mice were sacrificed on day 30 liver and colons were removed, the histopathological studies and expression of colon cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2), was immunohistochemically assessed. High dose of GSE had a significant reduction of micronuclei and chromosomal aberration frequency than low dose, Mice treated with grape seeds (low & high) dose displayed an improvement in colonic histopathology compared to cyclophosphamide-only mice. Histopathological results showed the presence bridging necrosis with early fibrosis between portal tract and central veins with dysplastic hepatocytes in the liver tissue, also cellular infiltration, epithelial disruption, aberrant changes in the form neoplasia, dysplasia of the colonic mucosa. However, grape seed extract treatment to cyclophosphamide treated rats greatly restored normalcy in the liver and colonic histoarchitecture, with no apparent signs of neoplasia or displisia. Immunohistochemistry of COX-2 showed an intense staining in the liver colon tissues; however treatment with grape seed reduced the expression of COX-2. Treatment with grape seed showed time -dependently accelerated liver and colonic healing. In conclusion, the results of our experiments strongly suggest the cancer chemoprotective effect of the methanolic Grape seeds extract and this may be due to the stimulation of the antioxidant effect.
    VL  - 2
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Genetics and Cytology Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

  • Pathology Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

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